
Your gift can help continue the life of our Meeting

Your Donations Sustain Our Faith Community

Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Arch Street Friends) needs and appreciates your financial contributions to support our many activities and commitments. By making a gift to MMFP, you will join a community of members, attenders, visitors and friends to support the ongoing life of this Meeting.

If you have any questions about your gift or how to make a gift, please email us at

Ways to Contribute


Donate via PayPal to make a one-time or recurring monthly donation with a credit or debit card. No PayPal account required.

All major credit and debit cards are accepted by PayPal.


Checks should be made payable to Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (MMFP) and mailed to:

320 Arch Street
Philadelphia PA, 19106

Note: Arch Street Meeting House and the Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Arch Street Friends) are two separate entities.  Please make your check is made payable to the Monthly Meeting. 

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting

Donate via PYM's site here to make a one-time or recurring monthly donation to MMFP through Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. Once you've made your designated gift amount, you can select Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Arch Street) to ensure your gift goes to our Meeting.

All major credit and debit cards are accepted by PYM.

Recurring Bank Payment

You can set up a recurring automatic payment through your bank to be issued monthly.

Payable to: Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia, 320 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106.