Friends General Conference

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New light in the darkness: connecting in troubled times

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Friends Connecting Remotely on Zoom Find Community

From an article by the Quakers in Britain

Faced with self-isolation and social distancing, Quakers across Britain have begun to meet in new ways. We are keeping the spirit flowing together, and maintaining our communities. Some have likened it to the way Quakers facing persecution centuries ago 'kept the meeting' in remarkable ways.

Bath Quaker Meeting was one of the many who hosted their first online meeting for worship. After greeting each other and adjusting computer settings to get themselves comfortable, 27Friends from Bath and beyond settled into gathered silence. 

"Aone Friend put it afterwards, 'thought it would feel a bit artificial but it didn't'", said Bath Meeting's Beverley Goddard. "It felt real. Spoken ministry was as heartfelt and as meaningful as though delivered in person. We were connected, and we could support each other despite not being able to meet as usual."

"Our meeting lasted for 30 minutes this first time, followed by notices as usual. The News of Friends section was a valuable chance to learn who was self-isolating, and how other Friends with health conditions were faring. We talked about our experience of online worship."

Read the entire article: New light in the darkness: connecting in troubled times
