Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends
A monthly meeting of the Religious Society of Friends.

AFSC Seeks Meeting Input into Their Strategic Plan

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Nell Warnes will lead a discussion/follow up of the AFSC presentation on Wednesday, Nov. 28 to share  feedback for American Friends Service Committee's new strategic planning process. We will be responding to the queries below, and our meeting’s answers will be aggregated into a response to share with AFSC.

1. What social change or peace work is your monthly meeting or yearly meeting engaged in? As you observe the social change work of individual Friends, what do you see as concentrations or trends? What would you hope your meeting/yearly meeting might add to its work? 

2. Whether or not your meeting is close to an AFSC program office, how is your meeting/yearly meeting's current relationship with AFSC? What works in that relationship? How might the relationship be improved?

3. As we launch a 10-year strategic planning exercise and redefine our priorities, we want to hear the leadings from Friends as well as the articulated needs and aspirations of the communities within which we work. Since our resources are limited, we realize that we will not be able to act on the multitude of ideas that may emerge.  Nevertheless, we are interested in knowing what 1-3 existing peace and social justice broad program directions you would prioritize for AFSC? Are there initiatives you already know about that you think we might deepen or invest in further, either within or outside of AFSC?
