Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends
A Quaker meeting in the northern suburbs of Chicago

Message from the Clerks - May

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“When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place." Acts 2:1

The Clerking Team has a feeling that “unprecedented” will be Merriam-Webster’s word of the year for 2020. It seems to be a go-to word for news media when discussing unemployment rates, cancelled gatherings, closed restaurants, and the isolated celebration of religious holidays. While our minds are pumped full of developing news about coronavirus (COVID-19) infection rates, our Meetinghouse is eerily empty. We live in “unprecedented times” and anxieties are very high.

We are in good spiritual company. Early Friends and early Christians were no strangers to crises. The English Civil War(s) served as the backdrop for George Fox’s revelations in 17th century England. Pentecost, the “birthday” of the Christian church, took place when Jesus’ huddled disciples were at their most vulnerable and afraid. Nevertheless, such communities remained committed to connecting with the Divine and with one another. Spirit-led communities often arise out of chaotic times.

We are no different. Thanks to the amazing work of the Communications Committee, members and attenders can now meet via Zoom. We hold Meeting for Worship and hear what First Day School students have been learning. We make (virtual) space to grieve and comfort one another as we mourn the lives lost. It’s a far cry from the world we shared before COVID-19, but it illustrates the commitment to our community and our tenderness one to another.

As hard as change can be during uncertain times, we’re encouraged that the celebration of Pentecost occurs in the same month we transition to new clerks, conveners, and/or committee members. It points to a deeper reality: the same Spirit that guided us when we still had our routines and sense of security is the same one (virtually) knitting us together as we proceed as Way opens. May we be particularly kind to ourselves, to one another, and to the tired, frightened and hurting in our larger communities as we step out into this "new normal".

The Clerking Team (Suzanne Siverling, Jessica Easter, Chuck Dickson & Ted Kuhn)
