Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends
A Quaker community in Frederick, Maryland

Meeting for Business December 2017

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Minutes Details: 

Frederick Friends Meeting

723 N. Market St. | Frederick, Maryland 21701

Minutes from Twelfth Month 2017

Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business

Frederick Friends Meeting met in worship with a concern for business on December 10, 2017 at noon. Present were: Ethan Bliss, Annette Breiling, Tori Bolton, Keir Hudson, Debra McCoy, Julie Odland, Anne Rill, Ian Tasker, Greg Tobin, Karen White and Jim Wagner.  Carlotta Joyner served as Clerk of Meeting and Kathy Funkhouser served as Recording Clerk. 

Queries for December: Simplicity

  • What in my present life most distracts me from God?
  • How well do the ways in which I choose to use my time, my possessions, my money, and my energy reflect my most deeply held values?
  • What am I ready to release so that I can give my attention to what matters most?

12/17—1: 2nd Reading of the 2018 Budget-Stewardship and Finance

Greg Tobin presented the second consideration of the 2018 budget. Although the overall magnitude of the budget remains very close to the 2017 budget, several line items contain proposed changes that can be highlighted.

Line     Details

31        Peace Award increased from $100 to $200

33        Communications Committee laid down and expenses transferred to Ministry and Counsel

40        Ministry and Counsel Adult Scholarships increased from $100 to $1900 to encourage attendance for training and other sessions at places such as Pendle Hill

48        $300 added to Program for June BYM Interim Meeting day expenses

52        Property budget decreased from $8500 to $8000 due to 2017 spending

62        Camping scholarships reduced from $5400 to $4200 due to reduced demand

He noted that Line 71 shows $2,096 in net income. Unless there are some unforeseen expenses in 2017, we forecast a surplus in the range of $3,000 to $4,000 based on historical end-of-year giving patterns. We are not budgeting for 2018 from a sense of scarcity.

The committee asked that we approve the budget we reviewed, understanding that the final budget, which will be appended to the minutes, will be adjusted to correct any calculation errors and to be balanced.

Friends approved the 2018 budget and accepted this report with appreciation for the committee’s work. Appendix I shows the year-to-date income and expenses as of 12/8/17, the 2017 budget, and the budget approved for 2018.

12/17—2: Nominating Committee report on the changes to the Meeting Guidance Document

Ethan Bliss presented the committee’s report, noting appreciation for Friends’ patience as the committee took the time it needed to consider the proposed changes.  The document is a living document that is amended and changed to reflect the meeting’s current practices.

List of Proposed Changes to Guidance Document First reading 12-2017

Pg. 3: Table of Contents changed to reflect changes in document

  • Communications Committee, Newsletter Editor, and Quarterly Meeting Liaison removed;
  • Web Administrator and Ministerial Association Liaison moved under Ministry and Counsel;
  • Social Media Administrator created and placed under Ministry and Counsel;
  • Page numbering updated to reflect changes.

Pg. 5: Schedule of Reports changed

  • Communication Committee’s annual report was removed in the month of January.

Pg. 9: Description of Recorder Responsibilities changed

  • Additional bullet point added that states “Coordinate with Ministry and Counsel regarding maintenance of the Meeting Directory.”

Pg. 15: Description of Camp Scholarship Coordinators Responsibilities changed

  • Additional bullet point added stating. “Maintain guidelines for scholarship application and eligibility.”

Pg. 15: Second paragraph of general description of Ministry and Counsel is updated.

Pg. 16: two bullet points added:

  • Read membership related letters and documents at Meeting for Business and provide originals to the Recording Clerk.
  • Report births and deaths to Meeting and submit completed marriage and membership forms to the Recorder.

Pg. 17: Language from the former Communications Committee added to Ministry and Counsel

  • Maintain the Meeting listserv. The listserv serves to inform members and attenders of news and events.
  • Coordinate with the Recorder regarding the maintenance of the Meeting Directory with a list of all attenders and members with updates twice a year or as needed.  (Note: this bullet edited based on suggestion made at M4B on 12-10-2017)
  • Be aware of the multiple ways in which the Meeting currently communicates both internally and externally and identify additional communication opportunities as appropriate.
  • Make decisions related to carrying out communication initiatives approved by the committee or the Meeting.
  • Serve as a resource and support for those most directly involved in aspects of communication, namely, the Web Administrator, Social Media Administrator, and the liaisons to Quarterly Meeting and the Frederick Area Ministerial Association. (Note: the exact nature and language surrounding the relationship between Ministry and Counsel and the Quarterly Meeting is in discussion as of 12-10-2017)
  • Consider and resolve policy questions that might arise through communication efforts and, if appropriate, take recommendations or requests for guidance to Meeting for Business.

Pgs. 18 and 19: Descriptive language around the Web Administrator, Social Media Administrator and the Ministerial Association Liaison were added under Ministry and Counsel.

The Web Administrator

  • Responsible for the Meeting’s website and for tools that allow members and attenders to communicate electronically with each other.
  • Maintain the Meeting website. The website includes information about the Meeting and the Religious Society of Friends, including but not limited to a calendar of upcoming events, news items pertaining to the Meeting, an archive of the minutes of past Meetings for Business, and an online forum.
  • Assist members and attenders with registering with and logging into the website and listserv.

The Social Media Administrator

  • Manages the Meeting’s social media presence and shares information about Meeting activities and the Quaker way with the public.
  • Maintain the Meeting’s accounts on social media; currently, this means Facebook, but may include other sites, including Instagram and Twitter, if there is a need and the ability to do so.
  • Assist members and attenders with posting content on the Meeting’s social media accounts and with using social media generally.

The Meeting’s liaison to the Frederick Area Ministerial Association (FAMA)

  • Serves as a conduit for information to and from the Association. Communication occurs at scheduled meetings and through electronic communications to and from other congregations’ liaisons.
  • Attend meetings of the Frederick Area Ministerial Association.
  • Share information with those present at the FAMA meetings about our Meeting or the Religious Society of Friends, as appropriate.
  • Disseminate within the Meeting pertinent information received at FAMA meetings or through electronic communications.
  • Present annual report at July Meeting for Business.

Two matters will be clarified when the document is brought to the January meeting for business for approval: (1) whether the Recorder will be responsible for maintaining the directory, as the Recorder and Ministry and Counsel committee have proposed, and (2) how Ministry and Counsel will handle the meeting’s relationship with Warrington Quarterly Meeting, now that the position of Liaison to Quarterly Meeting has been laid down.

The committee will also bring a current roster of service for approval to the next meeting for business.

Friends accepted this report with appreciation for the committee’s work.

12/17—3: Proposed date change for January meeting for Business

The memorial service for Brenda Bernhardt Broadbent, who attended Frederick Friends Meeting for many years, will be Sunday, January 14, at 1 p.m. at Thorpewood, on Mink Farm Road, in Thurmont. Friends are encouraged to let Richard or Jane Broadbent know if they plan to attend.

Our January Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business is scheduled for noon on the same day as Brenda’s memorial service. Because many Friends will no doubt want to attend the memorial service, the Clerk proposes that we change the date of our Meeting for Business to the third Sunday at noon, January 21, 2018. 

Friends approved this change.

12/17—4: Report on threshing session to consider a mini-split system for heating and air conditioning in the meeting room, January 7th, at noon-Clerk

In response to a request that they consider the matter, Property Committee brought a report to the October Meeting for Business regarding air conditioning in the meeting room. The conclusions in their report are summarized in appendix II.  They posed the question of how they should proceed. Meeting decided in October to have a threshing session on the topic, which the Clerk would plan in consultation with Property Committee.

The threshing session is scheduled for noon on January 7. Appendix II includes proposed queries for us to consider as we worship. Clerk invites Friends’ suggestions around the threshing session process and queries.

It is anticipated that Property Committee will consider what they heard in the threshing session at their committee meeting on Thursday, January 18, at 7:30. Friends are invited to join them for further discernment in preparation for a report to meeting for business on February 11.

Friends accepted this report,

12/17—4: Request from Keir Hudson to speak about outreach to the Hood Campus

Keir presented his intention to organize a Friends Worship Group on campus. He wants the group to have a relationship to Frederick Meeting and asked if Friends could be supportive of this effort.  Friends expressed interest in supporting this leading and asked for more information on how to support the group.  An ad hoc committee may be established for this purpose.

Announcements and closing

Minutes were read back and approved during the course of the meeting.

The next Meeting for Business will be at noon on January 21. Draft agenda: Annual report from the Recorder and reports from Nominating Committee. Property Committee may also bring a report on how their committee will be structured without a clerk.

Meeting closed with a brief period of worship.


Respectfully submitted,


Kathy Funkhouser, Recording Clerk ______________________


Carlotta Joyner, Clerk of Meeting ______________________



  1. FFM 2017 Financial Data and Approved 2018 Budget
  2. Threshing Session on Air Conditioning in the Meeting Room

Note: See Attached PDF file for full report including appendices
