Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends
A Quaker community in Frederick, Maryland

Queries for July 2016

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Frederick Friends Meeting follows a practice, common to many meetings, of contemplating a different set of queries each month. Queries are questions used among Quakers to uncover how our faith is being lived out, both individually and as a community.

Queries for July 2016: Caring for one another

  • In what ways do I show respect for that of God in every person?
  • How well do I reach out with spiritual and practical care to those with special needs?
  • How do we share in the diverse joys and transitions in each other’s lives?
  • How well do we recognize and affirm the gifts of all in our community, including older Friends and youth?

To learn more about queries and how Friends use them in the practice of their faith, please see Baltimore Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice, 1988 edition.
