Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends
A Quaker community in Frederick, Maryland

Discernment on the Spiritual State of the Meeting

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Each year, the Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) asks individual Meetings to prepare a statement of the spiritual condition of their Meeting over the past 12 months. BYM’s Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee collects these reports and uses them as the basis for the development of the Yearly Meeting's Spiritual State of the Meeting report, which is presented to, considered by, and approved by the Yearly Meeting during Annual Session. Frederick Friends Meeting’s report for 2012 is attached to this message through the link below, and the past reports of the Yearly Meeting and other Meetings can be viewed by clicking here.


As a first step in preparing the 2013 Frederick Friends Meeting report, the Ministry and Counsel Committee is asking individuals and committees to consider a list of queries sent from BYM:


*How does the Spirit prosper among you? How does your Meeting ensure that ministry is nurtured, and that members and attenders feel valued and cared for?


*What supports the life of the Spirit in your Meeting community? What challenges and troubles are you facing? In what ways is the Meeting less than you would wish it to be?


*How is the presence of Spirit manifested in your lives individually and as a Meeting community?


* How can you bring that of God or peace into political or other difficult conversations?


* How can you learn to accept seekers in your Meeting with different concepts of God and find ways to help them on their spiritual journey?


* To what extent has your worship strengthened you in the healing process? How has such healing transformed you as a person and/or meeting? To what extent do you recognize worship as a pathway to transformation?


Kathryn Ruud and Dat Duthinh are collecting input in preparation for writing a draft report. As the first reading of the Report will be at Meeting for Business on Sun 9 March, they would like to collect your thoughts on Sunday 9 Feb at 9 AM at the Meeting House. You are invited to arrive at 8:30 for worship before the meeting begins.


You may also send comments to, and they will be forwarded to Kathryn and Dat.
