Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends
A Monthly Meeting that is part of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)

2021 First Month

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Minutes Details: 

Fox Valley Friends Meeting for Business, January 10, 2021

FINAL – Approved 4-11-2021

Present:  Carol C, Jim C, Reed H, Tina M, Francesca P, Mary K - Clerk

Approval of Minutes:  Minutes from the November 15 meeting were read and approved for posting.

Treasurer's Report:  Jim C reported we ended the year with $1,270 in our bank account.  All bills have been paid and Lindsay has received a subscription to Friends Journal.  Individual year-end financial reports are being sent out to contributors.

New Business  None

Reports from Coordinators of Work Projects.

Budget and Finance:  Jim C proposed that we increase our budgeted donations to NYM, FCNL, FCG, FWCC, AFSC and RSWR by $100 for each organization, for a total increase of $600 in our budget.  Reed reported that the Mauthe Center does not need us to pay rent while we are not using the building, but they will happily reserve it for us so we can return there when it becomes safe.  Meeting approved the additional $600 in the budget.  Meeting approved that during the upcoming months when we will not be paying rent to the Mauthe Center, we send that money to Feeding America since need is so great in our community during the pandemic.  Meeting requested that half of the budget for Right Sharing of World Resources be sent to them now rather than waiting until the end of the year since need is also so great worldwide at this time. 

Ministry and Nurture:  Bob sent in a report that he contacted Dorothy and learned she is recovering from a retinal detachment and cannot drive.  She sends her greetings to Meeting.  Mary and Bob will offer her rides to Meeting when we resume in-person worship.

Care of Meeting for Worship:  Carol C reported we are still waiting for the 14 Day Rolling Average Positivity Rate for Brown County to drop below 5%.  It is currently at 32%.  This rate is posted on the Brown County Health website at

Mauthe Center:  Reed H reported that the Mauthe Center is maintaining their financial health during the pandemic due to their investments.

Potlucks:  Mary and Francesca P will work together to organize Zoom calls to view and discuss QuakerSpeak videos in lieu of in-person potlucks this winter.

Communications:  Jim C will send updated addresses for our contact list to Francesca P.  The updated Contact List should be out soon!

Outreach:  GIFT will not have their traditional interfaith service on MLK Day this year.  Instead they will develop a service around MLK’s legacy for the National Day of Prayer on May 6.  This event could be outside and include a party/celebration.  Anyone interested in helping plan this event is welcome.  They are a fun group of leaders from many of the churches in our area.  Contact Mary if interested.

NYM News:  NYM Spring Interim Session on March 12-14 and NYM Annual Session on Memorial Weekend will both be virtual events on Zoom this year.  All are welcome to participate and make connections with other Quakers in our region. 

The NYM Anti-Racism Working Group may bring a proposed minute to Annual Session in 2021 renouncing continued use of the ‘Doctrine of Discovery’ in the United States.  To prepare ourselves, FVFM will have a learning and sharing session on February 14 after Meeting for Worship.  Several members agreed to read the documents available on the NYM Website and then share what they learned and lead discussions on their document.


Reed – Deconstructing the Doctrine of Discovery

Carol – Doctrine of Discovery Resources

Jim – The European Doctrine of Christian Discovery In a Nutshell

Mary – The Doctrine of Discovery – A Call for Its Repudiation and Reparations by People of Faith

Respectfully submitted,

Mary K, Clerk

