Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends
A Monthly Meeting that is part of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)

2019 Second Month

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Minutes Details: 

Fox Valley Friends Meeting for Business, February 17, 2019

APPROVED – April 14, 2019


Present:  Carol C, Jim C, Jill H, Reed H, Tina M, Bob K, Mary K - Clerk


Approval of Minutes:  Minutes from the December 9 meeting were approved for posting.


Treasurer's Report:  Jim C shared the FVFM financial statement for 2018.  We ended the year with a remaining balance of $695.32 and plan to send $200 to RUTH and $100 to Northern Spirit Radio in January out of those funds. 


New Business.




Reports from Coordinators of Work Projects.


Budget and Finance:  Jim C discussed a budget for 2019.  We are expecting slightly lower contributions in 2019.  We will be able to cover our regular expenses, but we will probably be reducing our end-of-year donations to Quaker organizations next year.  We will see where we are in fall and make donation decisions at that time.


Ministry and Nurture:  Hayden is still recuperating from his surgery and appreciates visits.  He is at Angel’s Touch.  Jim and Carol have been visiting him.  Bob will contact Dorothy and see how she is doing.


First Day School:  We are very grateful to have a new adult helper in First Day School, Michael Brewer-Berres.  She is leading games with the children and we are all having a fun time together, with a few Bible stories and crafts and spiritual discussions added to the mix.  At this time the children are not interested in spending five minutes in weekly worship with the adults, but we will keep checking for a change in interest.


Care of Meeting for Worship:  Carol is creating a schedule of child-friendly songs for our closing songs in 2019.


Adult Education:  Reed will give a presentation on Mindfulness before Meeting for Worship on March 24.


WISDOM/JOSHUA/RUTH:  Jim C reported that Ned D has attended a JOSHUA board meeting as our representative.  Thank you, Ned.  Bob reported that RUTH is having community meetings on local issues.


FCNL:  Bob reported that FCNL is asking us to write letters to Washington this month regarding Saudi Arabia’s treatment of Yemen and the state of emergency.


Mauthe Center:  Reed reported that the Mauthe Center has started their large fund-raising effort, tentatively named Faith in Our Future, or Faith in Our Future Together.


Monthly Potluck/Discussion:  We will continue reading and discussing NYM Faith and Practice chapters during the coming months.  The remaining winter schedule is as follows:

-March 15 – Equality chapter part 2

-April 12 – Community chapter

-May 10 – Simplicity chapter


Communications:  Reed will update the FVFM contact list and share with members and regular attenders.


Outreach:  We are still looking for a new person to coordinate outreach events for FVFM.


Northern Yearly Meeting:  NYM Interim Session will be on March 22 and 23.  FGC will be at Grinnell College in Iowa this summer.


Prison Ministry:  Copies of NYM Faith and Practice are now in the Chapel Library at Green Bay Correctional Institute. 


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Klos, Clerk

With support from Tina M


