"It takes courage not to be discouraged."

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Benjamin B. Ferencz is a Hungarian born American lawyer, who, at age 97, is the last Nuremberg prosecutor alive. He has a special message for the world in this May 7, 2017 interview on CBS 60 Minutes. "War," he says, "makes murderers of otherwise decent people." And for all those concerned with peace, he says, "It takes courage not to be discouraged."

Watch the full video interview at this site: http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/the-nuremberg-prosecutor/

Theres a most interesting second interview at this site: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/learning-history-from-a-man-who-made-it/

PLEASE NOTE THAT THE ABOVE WEB SITES NOW REQUIRE A SUBSCRIPTION, but other interviews with Mr. Ferencz can be found on YouTube and this reference is a good start: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYdiWXvyohg&t=22s
