2021-01 (January) Meeting for Business Documents

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Minutes Details: 
Meeting for Worship for Business

January 17, 2021, 12:15 pm via Zoom

Agenda (see document links below)

  1. Opening Worship and Reading Query for the First Month
  2. Clerk's Report
  3. Care & Counsel Report
  4. Peace & Social Concerns Annual Report
  5. PIHN Annual Report 
  6. Worship & Ministry Annual Report
  7. Philadelphia Quarter Update
  8. Minutes for Approval: November and December
  9. Announcements
    1. February Annual Reports due
      1. Library
      2. Office & Admin
      3. Recorder
      4. Skyspace
    2. Moved to February: Treasurer's Quarterly Report
    3. Release date for March 20 is tomorrow.
  10. Closing Worship

Deepening Our Faith: Meeting for Worship

  • Are our meetings for worship held in stilled, expectant waiting upon God?
  • As we worship in the living silence, are we drawn together by the power of God in our midst? Do we experience a deep reverence for the integrity of creation?
  • How does our worship nurture all worshipers, creating a deeper sense of community?
  • How does our meeting encourage vocal ministry that spiritually nurtures the worshiping community?
  • Do I faithfully attend meeting with heart and mind prepared for worship, clear of any predetermination to speak or not to speak, expecting that worship will be a source of strength and guidance?
  • Does worship deepen my relationship with God, increase my faithfulness and refresh and renew my daily life, both inwardly and in my relationships with other persons and with all of creation?
  • Does worship enhance my capacity for attentive, non-judgmental listening to others?
  • How does participation in meeting for worship contribute to my life-long spiritual journey?
