Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends

CVFM Minute for Marriage Equality (Approved by CVFM on August 14, 2011)

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(Revised from Minute Prepared by Twin Cities Friends Meeting)

"For the right joining in marriage is the work of the Lord only, and not the priests' or the
magistrates'; for it is God's ordinance and not man's; and therefore Friends cannot consent that
they should join them together, for we marry none; it is the Lord’s work, and we are but
witnesses." George Fox, 1669

Cannon Valley Friends Meeting, in accordance with traditional Quaker procedures, affirms its willingness to joyfully recognize, hold marriage celebrations for and take under the Meeting’s care all couples who wish to unite with Divine guidance in a committed loving relationship, to work unselfishly together for their relationship’s endurance and to provide mutual support and tenderness to one another.

It is the experience of the Meeting that all people are equal before God, and are equally loved by God. Concerning marriage, the Meeting follows the same customary procedures and careful process of arriving at clearness for all couples who wish to unite under its care, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identification.

It is the Meeting’s desire to hasten progress towards marriage equality for all. The Meeting is searching for ways to expand the rights of some couples without restricting the rights of others. In this, the Meeting serves as witness to God’s work, unites with Twin Cities Friends Meeting’s 2009 Marriage Equality Minute and commits to take the following actions.

Cannon Valley Friends Meeting will:
1. Continue to provide clearness committees for all couples who request one for marriage
2. Continue to witness religious weddings in the manner of Friends, that is, bearing witness to God’s marriage of two people
3. Continue to take under the care of the Meeting all relationships and marriages that exist within the community
4. Support all couples who seek civil marriage, regardless of the gender of the partners
5. Seek opportunities to bear witness outwardly until equal treatment under the law exists for all couples

Marriage is a civil as well as a religious institution. At this time, the State of Minnesota gives legal sanction to and confers civil rights on some marriages and not on others. In protest of this inequality, for the time being, Cannon Valley Friends Meeting lays aside its right to legally certify and confer civil rights on marriages while at the same time retaining its legal right to do so. In the cases where the law permits, should couples celebrating with the Meeting desire to legally certify their marriage, the Meeting will assist them to do so with civil authorities, but it will regretfully decline to do so itself.


Prepared by the Ministry and Counsel Committee for Cannon Valley Friends Meeting
Revised from Minute prepared by Twin Cities Friends Meeting
Presented to the Meeting for Business of Cannon Valley Friends Meeting on June 12, 2011
Approved by the Meeting for Business of Cannon Valley Friends Meeting on August 14, 2011
