Friends General Conference

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Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Faith & Practice Revision

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Philadelphia Yearly Meeting is in the process of revising Faith & Practice (the last revision was released in 2002.) The Faith and Practice Revision Group was formed for the revision process and presented three sections of the new draft of Faith & Practice at Annual Sessions 2014 for a “first reading” (the text is not approved until after the “second reading” in July 2015.) In March of 2015, proposed changes to the General Queries became available for review. You can find more information at the PYM Faith and Practice Revision Group site. 

An online version of the current (2002) Faith & Practice is available on Philadelphia Yearly Meeting's website.

The proposed new sections are in the documents listed below.


About Faith & Practice

From Philadelphia Yearly Meeting's website,

"Philadelphia Yearly Meeting has many publications, but the best known is Faith & Practice, which is the written record of the collective sense of the Spirit of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Quakers.

Faith & Practice includes advices on procedures within the faith, membership, current practice for conducting meeting business and numerous quotations from Friends on belief, worship, concerns, leadings, and testimonies.

First adopted in 1955, Faith & Practice was revised in 1972. After 25 years and numerous reprintings, it was revised in 1997 and again revised in 2002, with updates in the section on Yearly Meeting structures and a new section of biographical notes.

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting appoints a Faith and Practice Revision Group to periodically review and revise Faith and Practice. We revise Faith and Practice from time to time in order to reflect continuing spiritual discernment, incorporate new governance structure and practices and generally bring the book 'up to date.'