Faith & Play

In the fall of 2015, 42 new storytellers from 20 monthly meeting and Friends school communities attended FGC-sponsored trainings of Faith & PlayTM here in the US. Faith & Play™ is a Montessori-inspired storytelling resource that helps children find words and images for expressing their experiences of holy mystery and wonder in their lives. Play is children’s practice, hence the name Faith & Play™, deriving from Faith and Practice. Read to learn more about this exciting program.
Faith & Play™ is a Montessori-inspired storytelling resource that helps children find words and images for expressing their experiences of holy mystery and wonder in their lives. Play is children’s practice, hence the name Faith & Play™, deriving from Faith and Practice.
In the fall of 2015, 42 new storytellers from 20 monthly meetings and Friends school communities attended FGC-sponsored trainings here in the US. Cuba Yearly Meeting recently started using faith and play (read more about this here), and there is an ongoing diffusion of Faith & Play in Latin America — In January, there will be three trainings in Peru led by Caryl Creswell prior to the FWCC World Plenary where Caryl and Melinda Wenner Bradley will lead workshops introducing Godly Play® and Faith & Play™ as resources for Friends.
In the U.S. there are upcoming trainings in 2016 including one at Pendle Hill (Wallingford, PA) in August 2016. The Faith & Play Group, which develops and cares for the Faith and Play™ program was released from the care of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting this fall, and they continue their work together developing new Faith & Play™ resources. They are excited to share they have new stories ready for release, with several more in development. The Faith and Play Group works in partnership with FGC QuakerBooks to make kits of story materials available for sale, so that there are always materials available for those who want to become involved and learn more about Faith and Play™. Come see the updated Faith and Play webpage on and learn how Faith and Play can invigorate your meeting, or if you already are familiar check out helpful toolkits and the reading list!